Process Improvement & People Engagement

We help organizations achieve significant economic and financial improvements, rapid and sustainable, with value creation for all stakeholders, customers, shareholders, employees, environment and society, through a systemic-relational approach which is based on defining the organization’s purpose and pursuing it with a participatory and emergent approach, improving processes through their alignment with the organization’s purpose, and theelimination of waste, on managing internal and external social and relational dynamics, engaging people and managing their behavioral and motivational aspects through a method that brings involvement, self-improvement and continuous learning.

Purpose, processes and people are the three elements on which we work systematically with a multidisciplinary approach in each individual consultant avoiding parcelization of expertise to best manage the constructive dialogue historically and culturally situated in each individual organization that is individual to others and also to itself in the evolution of its own organizational culture.

We use a process to define and frame the problems to be solved, qualifying the current situation from the perspective of economics and personal expectations, defining attainable, quantified and prioritized goals through listening to the various stakeholders, shareholders and employees. We use an approach to quickly and objectively test emerging solutions with a pragmatic and empathetic consulting style that has value creation as its primary objective.

Various experiences allow us to apply our approach in different markets, from the purely industrial company to large organized distribution, from healthcare to niche fashion and luxury companies in the different processes of governance, administration, sales, innovation, operations, and supply chain.

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