Identity & Access Management

Digital identity plays an essential role in service delivery within companies, between companies or to the public. This has inevitably led to reliance on the different types of digital identities (e-mail, SPID, one’s corporate account, etc.). We support the adoption of appropriate security standards and tools in the creation, management, monitoring and maintenance of digital identities.

Modern Ransomware are based on compromising the digital identity of first an employee, and then a system administrator. We offer some services and technologies designed to check the status of digital identity management, mitigate the risk of attacks Cyber, and better manage the digital identities of their employees or customers.

Digital Identity Posture Assessment

We provide our skills to perform an AS-IS assessment of how digital identity is used and managed, whether within the on-prem infrastructure, cloud or SaaS applications, to suggest an improvement plan if critical issues emerge.

In the presence of an industrial OT environment connected to the IT environment, we check how the two infrastructures interact in digital identity management, access control and monitoring, association of digital identity with physical access to premises.

Identity Threat Assessment

We field ourskills in responding to and handling attacks Cyber to check if the infrastructure that manages digital identities has been compromised or if there have been attempts to compromise it. We can verify whether proper tools and processes are in place for monitoring security events related to digital identities, supporting their adoption when necessary.

Identity Governance

We implement tools to perform effective control over access risks. They are defined and verified the ownership rights of present and future users. We design the architecture to predict and minimize the risks associated with privileges assigned to users, accurately map roles, and implement policies and processes that grant users the resources the right privileges.

Access Management

We support the management of resource and application access authorization and authentication processes in a centralized manner, assigning each member of your staff the correct resources consistent with the role. We support the adoption of Sigle Sign-On systems and the assignment of permissions based on role, thereby reducing costs and management time associated with retrieval password, Protecting access to external applications lacking security policy,

Privileged Management

We help the adoption of tools and processes to have greater granularity in privileged access management, aimed at simplifying auditing and monitoring. We provide the tools and know-how to map users, groups, roles, and privileges both internal and external, allowing you to build a consolidated digital identity database across all enterprise projects, easily integrated with different databases and different applications, versatile in the process of compliance to internal regulations and the GDPR. The system will ensure full adherence to the principles of privacy by design and privacy by default of the legislation.

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