Business Agility

La Business Agility or Organizational Agility, represents the organization’s ability to renew, adapt, change rapidly and succeed in a rapidly changing, ambiguous and turbulent environment.

Achieving this goal requires a vision that considersthe company as an ecosystem to be accompanied gradually in its evolution, rather than a complicated mechanism to be optimized according to predefined procedural schemes.

Modern organizations are complex systems, formed in turn by the interaction of numerous other systems, within which people live and work.Knowledge worker who, with all their knowledge and wonderful humanity, find themselves operating in a frequently changing, sometimes disorienting environment.


  • Strategy and Execution no longer appear to be strongly connected
  • People feel disoriented and in constant activity overload
  • There are more and more initiatives starting and fewer and fewer coming to an end
  • Managers compete with each other to grab the same specialists or teams, thus generating more and more disorganization and emergencies
  • The practice is to react immediately to any request
  • Most activities, in order to progress, depend on the work of other people or other teams, often including those outside the company

Traditional organizational change management approaches, which are deterministic and far from this vision of complexity, propose too “linear” solutions that inevitably end up being ineffective and causing negative impacts of various kinds.

We propose our clients to build together a path of change to the management of the knowledge work, gradual, intervening in unison on operational practices and corporate culture, enabling improved business performance in a way that sustainable, both in terms of people’s commitment and immediacy of results.

Where appropriate we introduce the technology of Home Kanbanize (, software that ranks among the leaders in the quadrants for Agile Portfolio Project Management whose success is due to its ease of scaling from the operational to the strategic level. We have the exclusive right to represent Kanbanize in our country under the brand name “Kanbanize Italia”


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